Sunday, June 21, 2009

Skull Brothers !!!

Seal Team 5 (FIVE) - the infamous team cover of the book SEALs: The US Elite Fighting Forces. Their skull mask/balaclavas standout among any other US military units.

Inspired by the team outlooks and several veteran bashers around the world. I too took up the project myself bashing a team as featured by the book cover.

It was a slow but fun process. Ups and downs - bloods and sweats really put my patience on this project. This was my second attempt on bashed a team (after my much loved SF Team Celebrity).

Thanks to fellow comrades - bro OSK (Onesixthking, TANG, Pandaren, Razzor, Beretta and OSM) for providing me with the necessary parts for me to keep up with the project.

Initially, it was to be a 10 members team but due to parts constraints and ideas. It was cut down to 8 members.

Nature of SEAL setup are easily to bash due to their "free-for-all" gears setup. Which mean they can use whatever gears available to team.

more to come...


TeeCare said...

COOOLLLL ..waiting others member appear!!!

Tay Hwah said...

Superb team u got there! R u going to display them as it is or will u be disassembling the bashes to re-bash for another time?

NERDPRIDE aka crazychildren said...

thanks guys.. this team took me quite sometimes to complete. Still much to be done for them to be perfect.

Anonymous said...

Not "infamous" - "famous".

Seal Team 5 (FIVE) - the infamous team cover of the book SEALs: The US Elite Fighting Forces. Their skull mask/balaclavas standout among any other US military units.

Anonymous said...

Hey crazychildren. Can you provide link to buy the EXACT masks the guys have on in the picture. Thanks