A fellow netizen from "CSP"-forum asked me about this and hopefully that I can do a review. So I did !!! When he first told me about the difference of the prototype pictures from the official released pictures and those pictures of actually items from Hobby Search. I started to have mixed feelings.
My babe lay quietly inside her box waiting me to free her and shed her some lights and take some pictures with my "mojo" skills.
Here she is, finally arrived from Japan !!
Hobby Search warehouse address I suppose >.<>
Let there be light !!! Finally she's free from her long haul journey !!!
Let the photogenic review begin !!!
The front of the package - obviously ..duh~~~
The backside of the package -note that there is also another black version with is labeled as Special Edition.
Left and right side of the package.
First Class really need to buff up the packaging design. Simply take picture of the figure (with the prototype figure) will not impress collectors much, especially those MISB collectors. Such packaging really not impressive while there's only 2 windows for us to view the figure inside (front and top only).
Now, let's move to the figure now.
As you have already may notice (for those planning to buy), she DID NOT come with the woodem flat stand as stated in the official pictures. Instead, it came with a transparent round plastic stand with her name and series on it.
When I first took her out from the package. I was really surprise. It was almost PERFECT !!! So far, I haven't found any flaw. Of course the actually figure may differ from the official pictures released. Most noteably the shading of the figure. Everything else are spot on.
Well, this happen to all the PVC figures we collected. There's no way we'll ever get the end product that will match exactly same as the protoptype or official released pictures.
She even come with a little syringe ^^
Cast Off !!! 18SX
So, this figure is castoff-able. Means that you can undress certain part of her.
HHAAAHAHA, that's the reason you come here don't you. Just admit it ~~~~ ^^
Since this is an open blog - I shall only post 1 castoff picture here ..teehee
Now looking at her pics - It somehow turnout to be such a lolita !!! OMG lolitaz complex !!!! NANI!!!!
More close-up shots of her with such an adoreable cute (and smexy) face ***droool***
That's all folks. Hope you enjoy your stay and make sure you get rid off those tissues !!!! LOL
More review will come soon if responds are encourageable and appealling.
NOW PLAYING : OASIS - Dig Out Your Soul
wholly shaits @_@
hahaha v^_^v
Hmm... nearly got this one too but your last photo showed exactly why i passed... methinks her facial expression's off.
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