Thursday, November 27, 2008

Upcoming Project

Another "not-so-secret-project" of mine !!! It's already in-progress as we speak now. About 50% complete. The most complicated part is the uniform cuz of the complicated pattern. Not so much a problem if it's in 1:1 scale but it's 1:6 scales so it's far more .... ugh~~~

I haven't taken any pictures yet.. 

So let's play some guessing games - see if you can guess who he is !!!

Hint: He's a character in a very famous series of Capcom survival horror flick. Scheduled to appear in few months in PS3 system. ^^

So here's what I did so far, far from over !!! muahahaha



TeeCare said...

Hohoho~~~ I can guess it jor~~ Dam classic horror game~ I still like the most original n the oldest episode 1~~~

The game not release the 1/6 areadi bash by u~~ geng~~ Hahaha

NERDPRIDE aka crazychildren said...

haha, i'm just bored cuz nothing to bashed and sold out most of my extra parts.. looking forward to break up my bashed figs and re-bashed into something new.