Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Creator's Labo Ignis & VHT VBSS

Hmm, it's been awhile since I actually crap about stuff here. Today (actually it was last night, local time +8 GMT) imma brag about my latest PVC figure that arrive safely. 

I just downloaded the H-game (yeah, I am that cheap) but I haven't actually play it yet. Jinkai Makyo (think that's the name) literally translate Chaos Gates ( yeah, it's lame). So here, we have Ignis again. If you have (actually) being following my blog all this while , I did showcased another variation of Ignis - Ignis the White few post ago. (search it dammit)

This is the latest installation of Ignis - yeah, it's all hype up of her and always a sellout figure, this is no exception either.

Let's start with the sculpt - as always, Creator's Labo never disappointed their loyal fans and yes - she also received an cast-off-able treatment.

The painting is downrite gorgeous. Even the base, the monster with a huge tongue too are smashingly great. At 7410 yen, this is a steal !!!

My only grip is that it ain't easily to find an angle to snap face-up pics. Nonetheless, it has a great pose and the Uzi have s small gimmick where the stock can flip backward. Her famous sword are well-toned and well detailed with all the words (kanji) as in the game.

Well, I hate to say this but I prefer her to be dressed rather strip naked. Cuz after cast-off, the body size kinda reduced to a kiddy size. I'm don't have a lolita complex, so it's kinda like a turnoff to me. Else, everything is good !!! ^^


Next we have another release from the notorious Very Hot company which based in Shanghai, China.

Many 1/6 citizen will notice this release resemble the earlier SOLD OUT set from Hot Toys which also the same name on the release.

Well, similiar but not same. Back then HT release the set featuring the M14 sniper rifles. Which for me it's doesn't really make much sense unless he's on a back-up team giving covering fire.

Now, VHT justify the set by giving the set on a SR-25 rifle. 

But, on the other hand switch to a much better CQC battle rifle. The SCAR (SOF Combat Assault Rifle) of which the version I use is SCAR-L (blk).

This just totally my own imagination with small flavor of reality. Since VBSS are normally in a Close Quarter Combat (CQC) and in tight situation, a long rifle normal will restrict mobility.

I've replace the helmet to a Protec helmet (which is also frm VHT hence the oversize).

Overall, VHT seeing improvement of their releases. I always adore VHT uniform fabrics. Cuz they are thinner and suitable for 1/6 bashing.Unlike other brand which featured harder fabrics.

But I hope VHT can improve more on their velcro as it doesn't stick well after sometime >.<

Parts that I've changed

Head: Hot Toys
Body: Soldier Story
Glove Hand: Dr.Figure
Helmet: Very Hot
Primary Weapon: HT Firearms Col. 4 - SCAR-L (BLK)
Weapon Sling: Toy Soldier
Carabiner: Hot Toys
Light stick: Hot Toys

NOW PLAYING: One Republic - Dreaming Out Loud


Mas Light said...

new arrival ka this?

NERDPRIDE aka crazychildren said...

haha, stuff.. but lazy to type in d details yet >.<